...........The Tower of Terror!!!!! (screams) We were all so freaked out for this one(hense the look on Mallories face) My family ended up not liking it except for me and my dad! Mallorie cried and my mom hates drops:)
Soarin' Over California was a neat ride! It had the smells for whatever was showing on the screen and stuff! It was really cool
We were in line for the Toy Story ride and it broke down:( it was a bummer but we had fun talking to Mr. Potato Head
This is the Pixtar Parade. The girl you see doing the flipy thing on the bar is for real! There were like 5 girls that would switch off and just go around and around on the bar! It was nuts!
Sleeping Beauty and Mallie:)
Haha! That would be my dad! It got a little chilly waiting for the Fantasmic show! hahahaha!
Disneyland Castle
Mom and Dad:)
Teacups!!! We spun and spun and didn't even get dizzy! We are pro teacup spinners! haha
Me at the wheel(dangerous) driving through toon town
This is the Small World ride if you don't already know. It was driving me crazy!!! It is defiantly not one of my favorite rides but it kept us out of the cold while we waited for the fireworks:)
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