Everybody who had a birthday in May got to blow out a candle. Ha, you should have heard us try to sing to everybody! .....happy birthday dear Hannah, Micah, Tyson, Kaylee, Kylee and Taelor!

Paige and Kaylauni were the only ones at my party who didnt have a birthday in May! haha

Opening all my very nice gifts from my very nice friends:)

Taelor, Me, Tyson, and Kaylee won!!! (After me and Tyson ran and got the picture of the task we forgot.)

This is when we thought we had lost because we(I) forgot to get one of the task pictures. {oops!}

Hannah, Kylee, Kaylauni and Paige thought they won......but they didnt!!!!

Some of the gals sitting around after the Amazing Race game trying to cool off.
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